The trenches of Spotsylvania. The 26th NC
Picture from our July 19th meeting. Pictured left to right, Bill Saunders, Jim Gradeless, Roy Archbell, Pat Sawyer,
Keith Sawyer, Mike Ross, Michael May, Phyllis May, John Sledge, B.J Neal, peeking over B.J. is Andy Watson and far right is
David Neal.
Our August 16th 2005 meeting at Duck Woods Country Club. Nineteen
in attendance.
Our third meeting August
Seated from left to right are
Rick Grey, David and BJ Neal, Jim Archbell, Briggs Neal, Roy Archbell, Jim Gradeless and Clyde Joyner. Standing from left to right are Alex Leary, Worth Williams, Andy Cagiano, Robert Sledge, Andy Watson, peeking
over is John Sledge, Michael and Phyllis May, Ralph Ivey, Keith Sawyer and Mike Ross.