OBX Civil War Round Table

Club Background
General Raffle
Fredericksburg Trip 06
Sharpsburg Trip
Club Background
Members List
Recent and Upcoming Events
Meeting Minutes
Photo Album
Photo Album 2

Our Charter

We plan on having a monthly dinner meeting with qualified speakers.  In addition we plan on taking trips and having tourguides lined up to give us an upclose and personal experience.  We would like to travel with knowledgable and interested company with which to share the experience.  We would love for you to join us.
You don't have to be an expert!
Fun for the whole family!
A Civil War Round Table Outer Banks Style.

History of Our Club

The Outer Banks Civil War Roundtable had its first meeting on June 21 2005.  We had eight members attend.  The first idea of forming the group was when Mike Ross was talking with Roy Archbell about Roy’s recent trip to the Spotsylvania battlefield.  Roy said he was on a Civil War symposium and as a result had qualified guides to show them around the battlefield.  Like Roy said, without them you would not know what went on where.  It would just seem like large fields and wooded areas.  But with tourguides they could point out what unit was located where, who attacked across what field etc.  As a result Roy had a great experience.  Mike started thinking about that and realized on his upcoming trip to Fredericksburg he would be stumbling around.  If he was going with a group of educated people who were interested in the War Between the States they could plan a tour guide and have a much better experience.  That is when the idea of a Civil War Roundtable came to mind.  After researching what a Roundtable is and what they do Mike called Roy and told him about his plans to form a Roundtable.  Roy seemed excited about the idea and from there the Outer Banks Civil War Roundtable was born.  Three weeks later we had our first meeting.

Our Club Officers

We selected officers at the July 19th meeting.


The Greatcoat was filled.  Mike Ross was elected President, Keith Sawyer was appointed Vice President and Pat Sawyer is our Treasurer. Other members please be considering what you can do to assist in the running of the OBCWRT.