This picture was taken at Sharpesburg. Notice the Dunker Church in the background. This is the 26th
NC doing a living history for the National Park Service. Note Mike Ross front and slightly left of center. It
was cold during drill that day so notice the period wool gloves. That is quite an experience to camp right at Dunker

This is a member's War Between
the States period "wedge" tent. Notice some of the period accouterments. The rifle is an 1863 Richmond.

Captain Dick Armstrong of the 26th NC. This photo was taken in the Museum in Plymouth. Photo taken by
John Gregory gregfoto@aol.com

Two of our members at The Battle of Plymouth. From left Mike Ross, Keith Sawyer. Also in the picture 26th
NC member Rob New. The trio were walking over to join their unit and photographer John Gregory snapped this picture.
Note it was regulation that the men have their top botton buttoned, but the regulations mentioned nothing of the other buttons.
So many soldiers in hot weather would button only the top button and leave the others unbuttoned.